Monday, April 2, 2007

The One With The Talent reports Robert Smith will join forces with the punk-rock street cred-having Ashlee Simpson to share blame for her next album. The trainwreck-in-waiting has yet to be titled, but it's hard to imagine it having a worse name than 2005's "I Am Me." I'm going to go ahead and suggest "He Isn't Me." That might work. How about "This Am I?" Or "Me, That's I!"

Pete Wentz denied any involvement in putting the unusual pair together, even though both of them are his personal friends.

I think pretty much any piece of music news these days requires a Pete Wentz update. He's the guy from Fall Out Boy who is regularly shirtless.


Snob Parade said...

"I are always we."

"Have we been I together yet?"

"Wee Wee"

byronimation said...

Not only is this album going to be sad, with Ashlee Simpson's inability to sing, but it will actually be sad. Robert Smith will leave his "thumb-print of sorrow" on this one.